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Marketplace for home art

Marketplace application

Moqod Goal:

create a user-friendly solution for home stuff reselling; a well-designed e-commerce platform suitable for both buyers and sellers.


easy to use platform, with multiple categories, videos, chat, and other functions making shopping for vintage and designers' stuff fun. Solution for one of the top marketplaces, offers second-hand items for your home. From 2019 till today, the guys have already made a showroom in addition to their online presence. The startup grows fast (1000% for 2021), so was selected among those who challenge Marktplaats, the leading Dutch platform.

Technical implementation:

the original MVP was made by Moqod in 2020. The e-commerce platform needed a dedicated team to deliver the solution to the market. In addition, the client required a scalable, secure, and fast product to serve the needs of a large audience. The original scope of the MVP was native iOS and Android apps and a cloud backend application.

Project team:

The client employed a dedicated team of developers from Moqod consisting of 6 people: two Python backend developers, native iOS and Android developers, a quality assurance engineer, and a project manager. The development timeline of the initial MVP release was six months.

Moqod has 10+ years of experience in custom software development. Our skills and proficiency in building high-quality MVPs have allowed us to build a robust and interactive tool. We would love to see you on the page of our most successful clients.

Do you have a business idea you would like to take further? Please, send us a message!

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